Howard stern ronnie chris
Howard stern ronnie chris

howard stern ronnie chris

howard stern ronnie chris

The internet is buzzing about a video featuring hot POA sports reporter Erin Andrews. Crystal then took off her headset and left the studio.Īll I can say is that The Stern Show is nothing short of pure GRADE-A entertainment. However, Crystal replied she thought Jewish people receive too many presents for Hanukah, a comment which Artie claimed offended him. Crystal added people are all the same color when they’re “cut open,” before calling Artie “a sick man.” Howard proceeded to ask Crystal if she had the same no-joking standards for other groups of people, including the Jews. When Artie came back into the studio, Crystal told him she took what he said to heart because of her boyfriend, as well as her African American siblings and friends she has in her life. Then Artie left the room and called into the studio pretending to be her porn director and she actually fell for it! It was one of Artie’s greatest performances! Things took a turn for the worst when Artie made a racial joke and she became very offended. The segment really was a hilarious masterpiece. She just seemed like a very confused young girl in that studio.

#Howard stern ronnie chris driver#

Crystal even goes on to call Artie Lange a “real shit-talker.” More strangeness ensued and Crystal also thought Kid Chris was talking to her when it was infact Levy and Ronnie the limo driver making the comments. For example, she often thought that Artie was yelling comments when infact Sal The Stockbroker was the one yelling them, just in a louder voice. Crystal Clear apparantely has a difficult time distinguishing different sound frequencies, which made it fairly easy to goof on her. One interesting thing that I noticed, was that this “porn star,” was really still just a child, mentally i mean. Crystal Clear also talked about her “urine sports” pornos where she lets men piss all over her and her most recent one, where she has sex with 50 guys over the age of 50. Crystal told her foster mother about the incident a month later but she said her mom did not believe her. She goes on to reveal that her neighbor raped her when she was only 10 years old, in her backyard.

howard stern ronnie chris

Crystal also states that it infact was a miracle that she did not contract the virus herself while in her mom’s womb. She tells Howard that her real mother was a prostitute that died of AIDS after she was born. Her sad story really began when she was born. She was only 19 years old when this aired, but had already banged 200 men. This trully was one of Stern’s funniest interviews and yet I couldn’t help but to feel sad for Crystal Clear, the young porn star on the show.

Howard stern ronnie chris